Retrain your brain. Unlearn your pain.

We address chronic pain using neuromodulation through virtual reality

Get started with Valor today

A different approach to your pain

We use a revolutionary combination of our proprietary neuromodulation device and personalized coaching to help people with chronic pain get relief and regain function in just 12 weeks.

  • Flexible

    Flexible & convenient

  • No pills, no surgeries

    Non-pharmacological & non-surgical

  • Fun & engaging

Common Indications

  • Low back pain

  • Upper extremity pain

  • Lower extremity pain

  • Widespread pain

Patient testimonials

  • “I’m so glad I did it because not only has it helped me but it is going to help you. 100%. ”

  • “This product stood out from all the other treatments I’ve had…it has improved me the most. Everything else was more of a bandaid.”

  • "I was pleasantly surprised with the ease of use…both the virtual reality equipment and the coaching sessions.”